Course cancellation Charges.
If the courses are cancelled three weeks prior to the commencement of the first date, no fee shall be charged. If the course is cancelled within the three weeks 50% will be payable. If the course is cancelled within two weeks, this will incur a cancellation fee equivalent to the full cost of the course. Most courses are paid for centrally and not charged out to the individual delegates.
In the event of a delegate cancelling their place, their manager may replace the delegate at no charge as above. If no replacement is found above charges apply.
Delegate non-attendance.
In the event of non-attendance on the day, there will be no refund of the fee.
Equalities and Inclusion.
BellsCroft Consultancy is committed to bringing people and services together by providing services that are fair and accessible for everyone. The following equality objectives to reflect our commitment to equality. Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation. Advance equality between everybody. Foster good relations between communities, tackling prejudice and promoting understanding
The Equality Act 2010.
Most of the provisions of the new Equality Act came into force in October 2010.
The new public equality duty in section 149 of the Act was brought into effect on 6 April 2011. Other provisions will be coming in at later dates to allow people and organisations time to prepare for the changes. It will bring about a single legal framework, providing clearer, streamlined law that is more effective at tackling disadvantage and discrimination.Protected CharacteristicsDiscrimination law protects us from being treated less favourably because of certain characteristics. These are known as protected characteristics, Age, Disability, Sex, Gender reassignment, Marriage and civil partnership, Pregnancy and maternity, Sexual orientation, Religion or beliefs.